From its inception in Greek antiquity, the science of optics was aimed primarily at explaining sight and accounting for why things look as they do. By the end of the seventeenth century, however, the analytic focus of optics had shifted to light: its fundamental properties and such physical behavior[...]
The stock market is central to the global economy. Tens of millions of people look to it to provide for a comfortable retirement. Central bankers watch it closely as they set monetary policy. Businesses around the world are forced to adjust the way they operate to meet the demands of equity investor[...]
Provides the information and tools you need to create and manage a blog that delivers extraordinary benefits. This title outlines everything you need to know, including from blogging basics and setting up your blog to attracting loyal readers and converting them into buyers.[...]
How do social scientists study the social world? Is social scientific practice in transformation? Can social science learn from its own past? This major text takes the reader on an intellectual journey starting with the story of modern science and the impact that this has had on social scientific pr[...]
The fully revised and updated version of this successful "Handbook" is welcomed by management scholars world-wide. By bringing together the latest approaches from the leading experts in organizational learning & knowledge management the volume provides a unique and valuable overview of current think[...]
NATO is the perennial survivor. Crises come and go, yet still it persists. Two decades since the watershed of the Cold War, this book investigates NATO's staying power. From the collapse of the Soviet Union through wars in the Balkans, and interventions in Afghanistan and Libya, the Alliance has ada[...]
Political analyst Mark Smith offers the most original and compelling explanation yet of why America has swung to the right in recent decades. How did the GOP transform itself from a party outgunned and outmaneuvered into one that defines the nation's most important policy choices? Conventional wisdo[...]
Human Evolutionary Genetics is a groundbreaking text which for the first time brings together molecular genetics and genomics to the study of the origins and movements of human populations. Starting with an overview of molecular genomics for the non-specialist (which can be a useful review for those[...]