John Dalton's molecular structures. Scatter plots and geometric diagrams. Watson and Crick's double helix. The way in which scientists understand the world - and the key concepts that explain it - is undeniably bound up in not only words, but images. Moreover, from PowerPoint presentations to articl[...]
This book describes the development of the scientific article from its modest beginnings to the global phenomenon that it has become today. Their analysis of a large sample of texts in French, English, and German focuses on the changes in the style, oganization, and argumentative structure of scient[...]
The ability to communicate in print and person is essential to the life of a successful scientist. But since writing is often secondary in scientific education and teaching, there remains a significant need for guides that teach scientists how best to convey their research to general and professiona[...]
"Starring the Text: The Place of Rhetoric in Science Studies" firmly establishes the rhetorical analysis of science as a respected field of study. Alan G. Gross, one of rhetoric's foremost authorities, summarizes the state of the field and demonstrates the role of rhetorical analysis in the sciences[...]