Alison Gopnik - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Alison Gopnik
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  1. Words, Thought and Theories (Övrig)


    Alison Gopnik, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Alison Gopnick (Professor Of Psychology, University Of California, Berkeley, USA)

    ISBN: 9780262571265 - UTGIVEN: 1998-10-02

    Words, Thoughts, and Theories articulates and defends the "theory theory" of cognitive and semantic development, the idea that infants and young children, like scientists, learn about the world by forming and revising theories, a view of the origins of knowledge and meaning that has broad implicatio[...]

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    från 349.00 kr
  2. How Babies Think (Storpocket)


    Alison Gopnik

    ISBN: 9780753814178 - UTGIVEN: 2001-07

    Learning begins in the first days of life. Scientists are now discovering how young children develop emotionally and intellectually, and are beginning to realize that from birth babies already know a staggering amount about the world around them. In the first book of its kind for a popular audienc[...]

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    från 140.00 kr
  3. The Scientist in the Crib: What Early Learning Tells Us about the Mind (Häftad)


    Alison M. Gopnik, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Patricia K. Kuhl

    ISBN: 9780688177881 - UTGIVEN: 200012

    This exciting book by three pioneers in the new field of cognitive science discusses important discoveries about how much babies and young children know and learn, and how much parents naturally teach them. It argues that evolution designed us both to teach and learn, and that the drive to learn is[...]

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    från 225.00 kr
  4. The Philosophical Baby (Pocket)


    Gopnik, Alison

    ISBN: 9781847921079 - UTGIVEN: 2009-08-06

    Explains psychological, neuroscientific, and philosophical developments in our understanding of very young children, transforming our understanding of how babies see the world, and in turn promoting a deeper appreciation for the role of parents.[...]

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    från 197.00 kr