Anxiety is ubiquitous in everyday life and avoiding sources of anxiety is often at the core of our everyday choices and can even shape our life plans. But why are we all so anxious, when is this normal uniqueness as opposed to a diagnosable anxiety disorder, and why have anxiety disorders become mor[...]
Depression has become the single most commonly treated mental disorder, amid claims that one out of ten Americans suffer from this disorder every year and 25% succumb at some point in their lives. Warnings that depressive disorder is a leading cause of worldwide disability have been accompanied by a[...]
In this timely and provocative critique of modern psychiatry, Allan V. Horwitz examines current conceptions of mental illness as a disease. He argues that this notion fits only a small number of serious psychological conditions, and that most conditions currently regarded as mental illness are cultu[...]
Den nutida epidemin av depressionsdiagnoser grundar sig i den psykiatriska professionens klassificering av normal sorg som onormal sjukdom. Författarna hävdar att diagnossystemet enligt DSM är bristfälligt eftersom det inte tar hänsyn till det sammanhang där symptomen uppstÃ¥tt och inte ger nÃ[...]
Explores the history and multiple identities of anxiety-melancholia, nerves, neuroses, phobias, and so on - it becomes clear that every age has its own anxieties and that culture plays a role in shaping how anxiety is expressed.[...]