Narcoland describes a disastrous 'war on drugs' that has led to more than 80,000 deaths in half a dozen years. This is a book that exposes how everything in Mexico is implicated in the 'narco system.' Anabel Hernandez, journalist and author, accuses the Mexican state of complicity with the cartels, [...]
Esta segunda edicion de Los senores del narco, revisada y actualizada, incluye la entrevista inedita del Chapo con la DEA.
Anabel Hernandez tuvo acceso no solo a una vasta documentacion, inedita hasta hoy, sino a testimonios directos de autoridades y expertos en el tema, asi como de personas in[...]
The 4th edition of this popular Handbook continues to provide an easy-to-use guide to the many exciting new developments in the field of optical fiber data communications. With 90 per cent new content, this edition contains all new material describing the transformation of the modern data communicat[...]
The product of five years of investigative reporting, the subject of intense national controversy, and the source of death threats that forced the National Human Rights Commission to assign two full-time bodyguards to Anabel Herna´ndez, Narcoland has been a publishing and political sensation in Mex[...]
"Mexico en llamas: el legado de Calderon" constituye una indispensable revision critica y una energica denuncia de los casos mas escandalosos de corrupcion y complicidad politica del llamado «sexenio de la muerte, donde destacan apellidos tan diversos como Garcia Luna, Cardenas Palomino, Acosta C[...]