This book, the first in our Companions to Medieval Studies series, is a brief introduction to the history, culture, and religion of the Viking Age and provides an essential foundation for study of the period. The companion begins by defining the Viking Age and explores topics such as Viking society [...]
Presents the story of one of the Second World War's most unusual animal heroes - a 14-stone St Bernard dog who became global mascot for the Royal Norwegian Forces and a symbol of freedom and inspiration for Allied troops throughout Europe.[...]
Dette er historien om den nesten hundre kilo tunge St. Bernard-hunden Bamse, som ble en maskot for de norske styrkene i utlandet under andre verdenskrig. Han ble en inspirasjon og et symbol pÃ¥ frihet for de allierte styrkene over hele Europa. Fra en lykkelig tilværelse som familiehund i HonningsvÃ[...]