A multi-level learning-to-read program combining Dorling Kindersley's highly visual style with appropriate stories at four levels. Stunning photographs plus engaging stories combine in Dorling Kindersley Readers to create a structured reading program with appeal for every beginning reader. The age-a[...]
This Level 4 book is perfect for proficient readers.
Combine DK's highly successful visual approach with engaging and easy-to-read stories and you'll have a series of books guaranteed to capture and delight the imagination of any child. Each level is intended to help develop reading skills [...]
From fog, ice, and rocks to cannon fire and torpedo attacksread the story of five doomed sea voyages and the fate of those who took part in them.[...]
From blizzards and glaciers on the world's highest peaks to the challenge of free climbing, there is danger on the mountains![...]
Artemis Fowl is going straight...as soon as he pulls off the most brilliant criminal feat of his career. But his last job plan goes awry, leaving his loyal bodyguard, Butler, mortally injured. Artemis's only hope of saving his friend is to enlist the help of his old rival, Captain Holly Short of the[...]
Artemis Fowl's greatest enemy, the evil pixie Opal Koboi, has escaped-and she's out for revenge. Her plan to start a war between the humans and fairies is nearing completion and once again Artemis is caught in the crosshairs. Only this time he has no memory at all of his fairy friend, Captain Holly [...]
Artemis Fowl is going straight...as soon as he pulls off the most brilliant criminal feat of his career. But his last job plan goes awry, leaving his loyal bodyguard, Butler, mortally injured. Artemis's only hope of saving his friend is to enlist the help of his old rival, Captain Holly Short of the[...]
Artemis Fowl ja hänen seikkailujensa uskollinen kirjaaja Eoin Colfer toivat tietoomme entuudestaan kokonaan tuntemattoman keijumaailman. Nuoresta iästään huolimatta lahjakas suurrikollinen Artemis on osoittanut päihittävänsä vaativatkin viholliset ylivoimaisella nokkeluudellaan.Vuosien varre[...]