Archon Fung - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Archon Fung
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  1. Empowered Participation (Pocket)


    Archon Fung

    ISBN: 9780691126081 - UTGIVEN: 2006-02-21

    Offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of the ways in which participatory democracy can be used to effect social change. Using city-wide data and six neighborhood case studies, this book explores how determined Chicago residents, police officers, teachers, and community groups worked to banish cr[...]

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    från 462.00 kr
  2. The Real Utopias Project (Häftad)


    Archon Fung, Erik Olin Wright

    ISBN: 9781859844663 - UTGIVEN: 2003-01

    One of the great ironies of our time is that the triumph of democracy in much of the world has been accompanied by increasing scepticism that the liberal democratic institutions we inherited from the nineteenth century can address the social and economic crises of the new millennium. Those instituti[...]

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    från 201.00 kr