Koestler's story, first published in 1940, of an old-guard communist who falls victim to Stalin's purges, yet attains a personal freedom in his destruction.[...]
Tells of Arthur Koestler's travels through Russia and remote parts of Soviet Central Asia and of his life as an exile. This book puts in perspective his experiences in Franco's prisons under sentence of death and in concentration camps in Occupied France, and ends with his escape from there in 1940 [...]
This title presents a thought-provoking account of the scientific achievements and lives of cosmologists from Babylonians to Newton.[...]
This is Arthur Koestler's extraordinary history of humanity's changing vision of the universe. In this masterly synthesis, Arthur Koestler cuts through the sterile distinction between 'sciences' and 'humanities' to bring to life the whole history of cosmology from the Babylonians to Newton. He shows[...]
A daring novella about the loss of innocence in pre-war Germany.
"Reunion "is the story of intense and innocent devotion between two young men growing up in "the soft, serene, bluish hills of Swabia," and the sinister (but all too mundane) forces that end both their friendship and their childhoo[...]
An account of the Medieval Khazar Empire of Eastern Europe and of the circumstances leading to the Khazar's tenth-century mass conversion to Judaism presents the Khazars as the forefathers of Western Jewry[...]
Originally published in 1941, Arthur Koestler's modern masterpiece, "Darkness At Noon, " is a powerful and haunting portrait of a Communist revolutionary caught in the vicious fray of the Moscow show trials of the late 1930s. During Stalin's purges, Nicholas Rubashov, an aging revolutionary, is imp[...]
Originally published in 1941, Arthur Koestler's modern masterpiece, "Darkness At Noon, " is a powerful and haunting portrait of a Communist revolutionary caught in the vicious fray of the Moscow show trials of the late 1930s.During Stalin's purges, Nicholas Rubashov, an aging revolutionary, is impri[...]
Born in Budapest in 1905, Arthur Koestler was a pivotal European writer and intellectual who inspired, provoked and intrigued in equal measure. Koestler wrote enduring works of reportage and memoir but he is most famous for his political novel Darkness at Noon, which received widespread internationa[...]
Med romanen Natt klockan tolv pÃ¥ dagen en avslöjande skildring av 1930-talets Sovjet fick ex-kommunisten Arthur Koestler sitt genombrott. Genom sin skarpsinniga kritik av totalitära ideologier fick han under 1940- och 50-talen ett stort inflytande över den politiska debatten. Sedan tog hans fÃ[...]
Det här är en bok om öar och ö-besök runt om i världen. Atafu, Upolu, Tongatapu, Pitcairn i Söderhavet. São Tomé utanför västra Afrika, Miquelon utanför Newfoundland, Queen Charlotte Islands vid Kanadas västkust, Liberty Island utanför New York. Och Jersey, Island, Gotska Sandön, Ã[...]
Fängslad på falska grunder med dödsdomen över sig, minns Rubasjov hur han själv skickat människor till bödlarna, övertygad om att det politiska målet helgar alla medel.
I celler intill honom finns forna fiender såväl som vänner och vänners släktingar. En efter en skickas de att tort[...]
»En grym, fängslande skildring av den ryska revolutionens?logik? ett intensivt och subtilt intellektuellt drama.«THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT
»Ett antitotalitärt mästerverk.«PER T. OHLSSON, SYDSVENSKAN
Fängslad på falska grunder, dömd till döden, minns Rubasjov hur han sj[...]
Nyskrivet förord av författaren och journalisten Göran Rosenberg till Arthur Koestlers Natt klockan tolv på dagen. Om Natt klockan tolv på dagen: Fängslad på falska grunder, dömd till döden, minns Rubasjov hur han själv angivit människor som sedan försvunnit. I celler intill honom fin[...]