Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of today's most admired and controversial political figures. She burst into international headlines following the murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamist who threatened she would be next. An international bestseller, her life story INFIDEL shows the coming of age of this elegan[...]
Is Islam A Religion of Peace?In what is sure to be her most controversial book to date, Ayaan Hirsi Ali makes a powerful case that a religious Reformation is the only way to end the terrorism, sectarian warfare, and repression of women and minorities that each year claim thousands of lives throughou[...]
Muslims who explore sources of morality other than Islam are threatened with death, and Muslim women who escape the virgins' cage are branded whores. So asserts Ayaan Hirsi Ali's profound meditation on Islam and the role of women, the rights of the individual, the roots of fanaticism, and Western po[...]
Ayaan Hirsi Ali captured the world s attention with "Infidel," her coming-of-age memoir, which spent thirty-one weeks on the "New York Times" bestseller list.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of today s most admired and controversial political figures. She burst into international headlines following [...]
A dazzling, hard-hitting and provocative collection of essays by the internationally renowned and charismatic activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has been targeted for murder for her efforts to reform Islam and protect Muslim women from violence and repression.[...]
What happened to Islamic reform? Why have al Qaeda and Boko Haram become the faces of contemporary Islam? Why has the Arab Spring devolved into a battle over sharia law? Continuing her personal journey from a deeply religious Islamic upbringing to a post at Harvard and American citizenship, the" New[...]
Nomad is a philosophical memoir, telling how Ayaan Hirsi Ali came to America in search of a new life, and the difficulties she faced in reconciling her two worlds. With vivid anecdotes and observations of people, cultures, and political debacles, this narrative weaves together Hirsi Ali's personal s[...]
Nomad is a philosophical memoir, telling how Ayaan Hirsi Ali came to America in search of a new life, and the difficulties she faced in reconciling her two worlds. With vivid anecdotes and observations of people, cultures, and political debacles, this narrative weaves together Hirsi Ali's personal s[...]
Somaliske Ayaan Hirsi Ali flyktet fra et arrangert ekteskap til Nederland i 1992. Der ble hun en frittalende politiker som kritiserte det hun mente var en mislykket integreringspolitikk. Hun har provosert mange med sine synspunkter på islam, og hevder blant annet at religionen brukes for å legitim[...]
Den somaliskfødte forfatter og kvindesagsforkæmper Ayaan Hirsi Ali (f. 1969) beretter om sin personlige rejse fra en muslimsk stammekultur i Afrika over flugten til Holland og frem til et moderne liv i USA og omkostningerne ved at forlade islam, kritisere religionen og give anvisninger på hvad ve[...]
»Dette er en optimistisk bog. Jeg vil gerne inspirere, ikke til endnu en krig mod terror eller ekstremisme, men til en ægte debat om og i den muslimske verden.«
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali i Kætter.En muslimsk reformation er den eneste måde, hvorpå vi kan sætte en stopper for terrorens rædsler, he[...]
I sin nya bok argumenterar Ayaan Hirsi Ali för att en reformation kan får slut på terrorismen, den sekteristiska krigföringen och förtrycket av kvinnor och minoriteter som varje år kräver tusentals liv. Hon uppmanar västvärlden att inte längre söka försoning med de radikala islam[...]
Skarpt och självutlämnande om muslimska kvinnors frihetskamp
I Nomad berättar Ayaan Hirsi Ali om de svårigheter invandrade muslimer i västvärlden möter, hur man som muslim blir misstänkliggjord och sedd som medskyldig till terrorattacker och det heliga kriget. Skildringen utgår f[...]