Chronicles the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. This title brings a fresh look to many essential topics and focuses on network management and services. It is suitable for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, and universi[...]
This is the biography of billionaire Li Ka-shing, the ultimate Hong Kong rags-to-riches success story. The book follows his life from his poor family's flight from the Japanese to Hong Kong in 1940, to his famous takeover of the British hong Hutchison Whampoa in 1979, and expansion of his business e[...]
Offers a treatment of the central ideas and applications of Kolmogorov complexity. This book contains the basic requirements from mathematics and computer science. It includes problem sets, comments, source references, and hints to solutions of problems. It covers Omega numbers, Kolmogorov-Loveland [...]