This book brings together a set of distinguished academics and activists to analyze, critique, and debate the global politics of poverty and justice and the contemporary nature of globalization. It examines the connections between 'really existing globalization', global capitalism, and global pover[...]
Den amerikanska filosofen Amy E. Wendling menar i sin text i numret att krisbegreppets mÃ¥nga betydelser avspeglar en central erfarenhet i vÃ¥rt samhälle, nämligen den sociala och politiska ovisshet som följer av ekonomins strukturerande ställning. I den globala kapitalismens alltmer komplexa nÃ[...]
Andre Gunder Frank was a path-breaking scholar in several disciplines over an illustrious and contentious 50-year career. First amongst his many important works is the book ReORIENT: Global Economy in the Asian Age, which sought to correct a Euro-centric world view of the development of the global p[...]