Are you looking for alternative ways of looking at leadership beyond the prescriptive 'how to' approach that dominates bookshelves - for a book that realises that leadership is a relational activity and will, therefore, not just tell you what to do but encourage to think in fresh and innovative ways[...]
This bestselling pocket guide provides students with alternative ways of looking at leadership beyond prescriptive 'how to' approaches. It shows how leadership is a relational activity and encourages students to think about leadership in fresh and innovative ways. The first edition became a favorite[...]
Ledarskap är ett av de mest populära och snabbast växande områdena inom affärslivet. Ändå råder stor förvirring om vad ämnet egentligen omfattar, hur man studerar det och hur man kan förbättra dess praktik.
Denna koncisa och synnerligen läsvärda bok ger studenter som har brÃ[...]