"For Better or For Worse" is a comic strip in North America which explores universal themes of family values in a modern world. This volume uses a selection of 100 Spanish-language syndicated versions of these strips as a means of presenting conversational Spanish.[...]
Presents more than 5,000 slang and colloquial expressions. Each entry in this book is accompanied by an example in both Spanish and English, so you understand the phrase in context and avoid any language faux pas in the future. It also includes a section on Spanish equivalents to English slang phra[...]
EN CONTACTO: LECTURAS INTERMEDIAS, provides reading, vocabulary, and conversation activities. Encourages you to work collaboratively through pair and group activities that combine the grammar and vocabulary featured in EN CONTACTO: GRAM?TICA EN ACCI?N, plus exposes you to great reading selections, b[...]
Contains 5,000 idiomatic terms and slang expressions in Spanish. This title features a thesaurus that contains 150 general categories or themes, and a Spanish-English dictionary that cross-references 5,000 terms and expressions included in the thesaurus.[...]
Intends to put your intermediate Spanish students in touch with contemporary Hispanic culture, people, language and literature. This title stresses communication, and emphasizes the acquisition of reading skills and text comprehension. It features interviews with native professionals in unique cultu[...]
This best-selling intermediate Spanish conversational reader encourages student discussions and presents a broad variety of thought-provoking Hispanic themes. Lively readings from a number of original cultural and literary sources complement a wealth of activities that stimulate conversation and the[...]