This text presents nearly 200 of Bronislaw Malinowski's photographs, taken between 1915 and 1918, of the Trobriand Islanders. Michael Young, an anthropologist and Malinowski's authorized biographer, has selected the photographs based on one of Malinowski's studies of the region, and the plan of that[...]
During the First World War the pioneer anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski found himself stranded on the Trobriand Islands, off the eastern coast of New Guinea. By living among the people he studied there, speaking their language and participating in their activities, he invented what became known a[...]
Bronislaw Malinowski's pathbreaking Argonauts of the Western Pacific is at once a detailed account of exchange in the Melanesian islands and a manifesto of a modernist anthropology. Malinowski argued that the goal of which the ethnographer should never lose sight is 'to grasp the native's point of v[...]
Crime and Custom in Savage Society represents Bronislaw Malinowski's major discussion of the relationship between law and society. Throughout his career he constructed a coherent science of anthropology, one modeled on the highest standards of practice and theory. Methodology steps forward as a core[...]
Bronislaw Malinowski, en av den moderna kulturantropologiens grundläggare, föddes i Polen 1884. Efter naturvetenskaplig utbildning i hem landet kom han till England och började där orientera sig i riktning mot antropologien. Han kom i fortsättningen att dela sin tid mellan antropologiskt fälta[...]