If looking at today's headlines makes you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you: from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be. According to eminent biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., we are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to tak[...]
The Honeymoon Effect: A state of bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can't wait to get up to start a new day and you thank the Universe that you are alive. Think back on the most spectacular love affair of your life--the Big One that topp[...]
The Honeymoon Effect: A state of bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can't wait to get up to start a new day and thank the Universe that you are alive. Think back on the most spectacular love affair of your life--the Big One that toppled [...]
We've all heard of people who've experienced a seemingly miraculous recovery from illness, but can the same thing happen for our whole world? According to pioneering biologist Bruce H. Lipton, it's not only possible, but it is already happening. In collaboration with political philosopher Steve Bhae[...]
Honeymoon-effekten handler om kærlighed - personlig såvel som global - og betegner en tilstand af intens lykke, passion, energi og overskud.
Cellebiologen og bestsellerforfatter Bruce Lipton kombinerer, som i sine tidligere bøger, videnskab og spiritualitet og går her i dybden med, hvad d[...]
Videnskaben om hvordan tanker styrer vores liv
Intelligente celler er et banebrydende værk inden for den nyere biologi. Den internationalt anerkendte cellebiolog Bruce Lipton har i mere end 20 år forsket i de mekanismer, hvorigennem celler modtager og behandler information, og i Int[...]
Through the research of Dr Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled b[...]