"The Out-of-Sync Child" broke new ground by identifying Sensory Processing Disorder, a common but frequently misdiagnosed problem in which the central nervous system misinterprets messages from the senses. This newly revised edition features additional information from recent research on vision and [...]
An updated companion volume to The Out-of-Sync Child presents a wide range of games, activities, and exercises designed to help parents of children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction strengthen their child's abilities, along with new information on appropriate activities for youngsters with such a[...]
A fresh and timely approach to understanding the profound impact of motor development on children of all ages and stages.
Based on the authors' more than seventy combined years of professional success working with children of all abilities, "Growing an In-Sync Child" provides parents, teachers,[...]
Sensorisen integraation häiriö seuraa puutteellisesta aistitiedon muokkauksesta aivoissa. Se ilmenee lukemattomilla tavoilla: yliherkkyytenä, aliherkkyytenä, yliaktiivisuutena, passiivisuutena, kömpelyytenä ja sosiaalisina ongelmina. Tässä kirjassa sensorisen integraation häiriötä lähest[...]