This series looks at the history of witchcraft and magic in Europe from the earliest times to the present day. This volume looks at the Middle Ages.[...]
Many existing introductions to Islam focus predominantly on the Middle East and on historical background at the expense of Islam as a lived faith. Assessing Islam as a truly global phenomenon, Catharina Raudvere engages thoroughly with history, (explaining the significance of the revelation of the[...]
Many existing introductions to Islam focus predominantly on the Middle East and on historical background at the expense of Islam as a lived faith. Assessing Islam as a truly global phenomenon, Catharina Raudvere engages thoroughly with history (explaining the significance of the revelation of the Pr[...]
Istanbul, Jerusalem, New York, Madrid. Vår omvärld bubblar och sjuder av konflikter och kolliderande intressen med kopplingar till religiösa frågor som inte alltid är begripliga för sekulariserade nordbor. I denna antologi gör religionsvetare, -historiker och -sociologer gemensam sak med stat[...]
Written by distinguished scholars from multiple perspectives, this account widens the interpretative scope on religious life among the pre-Christian Scandinavian people. The religion of the Viking Age is conventionally identified through its mythology: the ambiguous character Odin, the forceful Thor[...]
A broad discussion about how history and religion contribute to identity politics in contemporary Europe, this book provides case studies exemplifying how public intellectuals and academics have taken an active part in the construction of recent and traditional pasts. Instead of repeating the simpli[...]
Världen var på många sätt en annan för 1000 år sedan, såväl i praktik som i tanke. Människan ansågs leva på en plats, "Midgård", i mitten av världen, omgiven av andra världar bebodda av andra makter. Där fanns gudar, jättar, dvärgar, alver och olika krafter som nornor och valkyrior.[...]
I dag associeras den förkristna nordiska mytologin ofta med politisk extremism; men samtidigt som vi ifrÃ¥gasätter en bokhandel vid namn MidgÃ¥rd äter vi runmärkt smör och har en tunnelbanestation i Stockholm som heter Odenplan. Synen pÃ¥ vÃ¥r nordiska mytologi är uppenbarligen komplex och svÃ[...]
This work consists of over 70 papers written by scholars concerned with pre-Christian Norse religion. The articles represent subjects such as archaeology, art history, historical archaeology, history, history of ideas, theological history, literature, onomastics, Scandinavian languages, and Scandina[...]