Created by an Irish clergyman, Melmoth is one of the most fiendish characters in literature. In a satanic bargain, Melmoth exchanges his soul for immortality. The story of his tortured wanderings through the centuries is pieced together through those who have been implored by Melmoth to take over hi[...]
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Melmoth the Wanderer" by Charles Maturin. 'My hour is come ...the clock of eternity is about to strike, but its knell must be unheard by mortal ears'. This violent, profound, baroque and blackly humorous novel is the story of Melmoth, who has sold hi[...]
Written by an eccentric Anglican curate, Melmoth the Wanderer (1820) brought the terrors of the Gothic novel to a new fever pitch of intensity. Its tormented villain seeks a victim to release from his fatal pact with the devil, and Maturin's bizarre narrative structure whirls the reader from rural [...]