"180 South" takes readers behind the scenes of the film, "180 South," made by Chris Malloy, to learn more about the people who made the original overland journey to Patagonia in 1968, and the repeat journey over ocean and land 40 years later. The book includes stories of events and experiences that [...]
The personal stories of the founder of Patagonia, Inc. describes his underprivileged childhood as an immigrant in southern California, early fame as a successful mountain climber, and company's dedication to quality and environmental responsibility. Reprint. 75,000 first printing.[...]
Mickey Munoz has been called the "surfer's surfer," and is loved and respected among the cognoscenti for his contributions to surfing and the surfing life for the past 60 years as a surfer, a pioneer of Waimea Bay, a stuntman (stand-in for Gidget), a board shaper and designer, and as a sailor and bo[...]
"The Responsible Company," by Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of Patagonia, and Vincent Stanley, co-editor of its Footprint Chronicles, draw on the their 40 years' experience at Patagonia - and knowledge of current efforts by other companies - to articulate the elements of responsible business for[...]
"The Last Step"tells the story, written by Rick Ridgeway, a member of the expedition team, of the 1978 first American ascent of K2. It was the third ascent overall of K2 and the first on which any members reached the summit without using supplemental oxygen on the final push. They experienced the us[...]
This book features rare, once-thought-lost photos of the 1968 first ascent of the California Route on Cerro Fitz Roy, the third ascent of the mountain. With accompanying retrospective essays. Climbing Fitz Roy,1968, presents photo documentation of the climb, places it in the social and climbing cont[...]
The sheer granite walls of Yosemite Valley galvanized a dedicated group of rock climbers in the 1960s, who saw the nearly holdless, glacier-polished faces as the purest form of challenge. The awesome Half Dome and El Capitan were first climbed in the late 1950s, ushering in a new era of rock climbin[...]
Modern-day fly fishing, like much in life, has become exceedingly complex, with high-tech gear, a confusing array of flies and terminal tackle, accompanied by high-priced fishing guides. This book reveals that the best way to catch trout is simply, with a rod and a fly and not much else. The wisdom [...]
Kirja käy läpi Yvon Chouinardin ja hänen Patagonia-yrityksensä tarinan ja ydinfilosofiat. Tämä on tarina miehestä, joka on vienyt hyvän tekemisen ja suuret seikkailut liiketoimintamallinsa ytimeen - mikä on vain edesauttanut yrityksen menestystä. Kirja osoittaa, miksi harvoilla yrityksillÃ[...]