Chris Baty - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Chris Baty
Visar Resultat (1-4)
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  1. No Plot? No Problem! (Häftad)


    Chris Baty

    ISBN: 9780811845052 - UTGIVEN: 200410

    Author Chris Baty revs up the tradition of The Artist's Way, Bird by Bird, and Writing Down the Bones with his singular guide for high-speed novelistic access. Founder of National Novel Writing Month - NaNoWriMo - Baty shares the secrets for knocking out a novel in no time. With week-specific overvi[...]

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    från 144.00 kr
  2. No Plot? No Problem! (Övrigt)


    Chris Baty

    ISBN: 9780811854832 - UTGIVEN: 200610

    Aspiring novelists don't need an MFA in creative writing, a book agent, an airtight plot, or a winsome cast of characters to get a novel writtenthey don't even need to know what they're doing. All that's needed is a little determination and this high-octane kit to kick motivation into overdrive and [...]

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    från 325.00 kr
  3. Ready, Set, Novel!: A Writer's Workbook (Häftad)


    Chris Baty, Lindsey Grant, Tavia Stewart-Streit

    ISBN: 9781452101729 - UTGIVEN: 201110

    This writer's block-busting workbook guides authors through planning and plotting a novel before writing it from the initial idea generation and brainstorming through character, setting, and story development. Full of helpful lists, plot maps, character Q&As, field trips, writing exercises, inspirin[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 99.00 kr
  4. No Plot? No Problem! (Häftad)


    Chris Baty

    ISBN: 9781452124773 - UTGIVEN: 2014-10

    Chris Baty, founder of the wildly successful literary marathon known as National Novel Writing Month, has completely revised and expanded his definitive handbook for extreme noveling. Chris pulls from over 15 years of results-oriented writing experience to pack this compendium with new tips and tric[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 132.00 kr