When "Profit from the Core" was published in 2001, it became an international bestseller, helping hundreds of companies find their way back to profitable growth after the bursting of the Internet bubble. The 2007 global financial meltdown reaffirmed the perils of pursuing heady growth through untest[...]
Over the next decade, two out of every three companies will face the challenge of their corporate lives: redefining their core business. Buffeted by global competition and facing an uncertain future, more and more executives will realize that they must make fundamental changes in their core even as [...]
Is constant reinvention the key to winning in today's fast-paced world? Not judging by the results of some of the world's best performing companies. In "Repeatability", the leaders of Bain & Company's influential strategy practice reveal a powerful truth: successful companies that endure maintain a [...]
This work shows executives how to grow profitably by finding and focusing on their core business. It shows how they can increase the odds of successful expansion once their core business no longer provides sufficient new growth.[...]