Ever since a cosmic phone call led five young goddesses to live in college student Keiichi's residence, his personal life has been turned upside down, sideways, and sometimes even into strange dimensions!
Chrono's crusade to recover the remaining piece of the music program runs into a de[...]
C.S. Lewis's stepson presents a personal memoir of a man who touched many in the classroom, even more with his pen, and made a significant, lasting, and eternal impression on one young man.[...]
Advanced Studies of the Human Aura takes studies of the aura to an exciting new level. It reveals that the aura is more than just a colorful energy field around all living things. It can be a powerful resonator for both personal and global transformation. The aura is a subtle energy system, constant[...]
Helps you to learn all the essential anesthesia procedures. This title offers step-by-step instruction on the entire spectrum of perioperative, ambulatory, regional, and general procedures. It provides coverage of all relevant anesthesia procedures, from the IV and laryngoscopy, to the combined spin[...]