Cliff Rathburn - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Cliff Rathburn
Visar Resultat (1-10)
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  1. The Walking Dead, Book Two: A Continuing Story of Survival Horror (Inbunden)


    Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn

    ISBN: 9781582407593 - UTGIVEN: 200706

    Intended for those interested in reading a zombie movie on paper.

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    från 0.00 kr
  2. Jämför priser
    från 129.00 kr
  3. The Walking Dead D.6 : totalt jävla mörker (Häftad)


    Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn

    ISBN: 9789197959278 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    "I en värld befolkad av döda, tvingas vi att till slut börja leva."

    Robert Kirkmans zombie-epos, tecknad av Charlie Adlard, når nya nivåer i denna sjätte volym. Den som bara sett tv-serien kommer bli överraskad. I den teckande förlagan skiljer sig händelserna, personerna och död[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 183.00 kr
  4. Walking Dead 3 (Häftad)


    Robert Kirkman, Cliff Rathburn

    ISBN: 9789522336910 - UTGIVEN: 2013

    Robert Kirkmanin luoma kauhutarina "Walking Dead" on viime vuosien suurimpia sarjakuvasensaatioita, ja siihen perustuva TV-sarja on valloittanut katsojat ympäri maailman, myös Suomessa. Tämä sarjan kolmas kokoelma esittelee lukijoille suositun hahmon nimeltä "Kuvernööri". Mukana myös luonnok[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 220.00 kr
  5. Old Soldier (Pocket)


    Robert Kirkman, Tony (ILT) Moore, Cliff (ILT) Rathburn

    ISBN: 9781582406787 - UTGIVEN: 2007-02

    Meet the government's last line of defense when it comes to the really messy parts of keeping the world safe ...Brit. When super-powered menaces threaten our home soil, send in Brit, a one man killing machine, who's indestructible, unstoppable and eligible for a senior citizen's discount.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 184.00 kr
  6. Brit 2 (Pocket)


    Bruce Brown, Cliff (ILT) Rathburn, Bruce Brown

    ISBN: 9781582408644 - UTGIVEN: 2008-10

    When a threat from another dimension threatens to destroy the world, BRIT must team up with all the heroes of the Invincible Universe to stop it! Guest starring Invincible, The Astounding Wolf-Man, Tech Jacket, and many, many more! This volume collects "BRIT" issues number 7-12.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  7. Invincible 12 (Pocket)


    Robert Kirkman, Ryan (ILT) Ottley, Cliff (CON) Rathburn

    ISBN: 9781607061663 - UTGIVEN: 2010-07

    Angstrom Levy finally attacks - and the world has never been in more danger! Guest-starring the entire Image Universe...and this is just a lead-in for Conquest! Invincible faces his most deadly threats yet in this can't-miss volume of the critically-acclaimed series.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 180.00 kr
  8. The Walking Dead Omnibus 5 (Inbunden)


    Robert (COR) Kirkman, Charlie (COR) Adlard, Cliff (COR) Rathburn

    ISBN: 9781632150424 - UTGIVEN: 2014-12

    This deluxe hardcover features 24 issues of the hit series, The Walking Dead, along with the covers for the issues all in one massive, oversized slipcased volume. It collects The Walking Dead numbered 97-120.[...]

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    från 1102.00 kr
  9. The Walking Dead 11 (Inbunden)


    Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff (CON) Rathburn

    ISBN: 9781632152718 - UTGIVEN: 2015-03

    After Alexandria is destroyed by Negan, the remaining communities unite for one last stand against the Saviors. The aftermath to their war leads to the biggest status quo change in the history of this acclaimed series. It collects The Walking Dead numbered 121-132.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 431.00 kr
  10. Invincible 21 (Pocket)


    Robert Kirkman, Cliff (ILT) Rathburn, Jean-Francois (ILT) Beaulieu

    ISBN: 9781632153180 - UTGIVEN: 2015-07

    In the aftermath of Robot's attempt to take over the world, the few survivors that remain must pick up the pieces of a world once familiar...but now completely alien Collects Invincible numbered 115-120.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 201.00 kr