Colin Leys - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Colin Leys
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  1. Histories of Namibia (Pocket)


    Colin Leys, Susan Brown, Colin Leys

    ISBN: 9780850364996 - UTGIVEN: 2005-04

    When Namibia gained its independence in 1990 after 23 years of war, most of the eleven Namibians whose life histories make up this book were in their mid-thirties. To that point their whole adult lives had been lived in the struggle, more than half of them in exile. Few of them owned anything. None [...]

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    från 209.00 kr
  2. The Rise and Fall of Development Theory (Häftad)


    Colin Leys

    ISBN: 9780253210166 - UTGIVEN: 199612

    "He has this wonderful and rare capacity to delineate the most complex of arguments in the most limpid prose. He never takes refuge in jargon. He demolishes pretentiousness. He is disarmingly honest. He hits you between the eyes. He is not afraid to be a lone voice as, increasingly, nowadays he is, [...]

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    från 347.00 kr