Unappreciative of what he has in life, Danny travels with the magical old man Socrates into another world, where his quest for the crystal castle teaches him that it is the journey itself that makes a warrior, not the reward[...]
Traces the life of the mentor gas attendant of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, discussing his origins as an orphan with both Jewish and Cossack ties, his journey from a military academy to America, and his discovery of how to live a peaceful life. Reprint. 30,000 first printing.[...]
When Danny's family moves to a new neighborhood, he is confronted by a frightening bully. One night in a dream, Danny meets an old man with shining white hair--a man who will soon appear in real life and share a wonderful secret. An inspirational story about courage and love. Full-color illustration[...]
Reminds readers--through essays and stories--of some age-old coping tools that can be applied to everyday life to clear the mind, open the emotions, and energize the body. Original. 75,000 first printing. National ad/promo.[...]
Describes the thirty-seven spiritual paths of twentieth-century life while offering insight into learning which is most compatible. By the author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Reprint. 75,000 first printing. $50,000 ad/promo. IP.[...]
Based on the true story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, this insightful volume explores the gymnast's journey into the realms of romance and magic, light and darkness, body and spirit.[...]
The Laws of Spirit opens with the story of Dan Millman’s encounter with a sage in the wooded hills near his home. Through stories, tests, and experiences in the wild, the sage challenges Millman to examine 12 core principles that underlie human existence: balance, choice, process, presence, com[...]
Focusing on both physical and psychological issues, the author reveals how to apply the same discipline necessary in mastering the piano to the world of sports, focusing the motivational aspect of learning a rigorous activity. Original. IP.[...]
Written by a former world-champion athlete, coach, and educator, Dan Millman's books present practical ways to transform daily challenges into vehicles of spiritual growth. In Living on Purpose, Millman tackles some of the toughest questions, and in the process, refines and expands on the teachings [...]
The author recalls his experiences with a Hawaiian shaman as he seeks to advance in his spiritual walk, enduring her tests, challenges, and revelations while encountering many fascinating characters along the path. Original. 25,000 first printing. $25,000 ad/promo.[...]
En verklighetsbaserad film där Dan Millman möter en främling som får honom att inse vikten av att fokusera på nuet.
'En imponerande och enastÃ¥ende film som tar dig med pÃ¥ en resa utanför ditt medvetande och in i ögonblicket här och nu. Se den och lÃ[...]
Under en vandring i bergen möter Dan en kvinna, till synes tidlös och med föränderliga anletsdrag. Medan de vandrar på stigarna högt uppe i vildmarken, förklarar hon genom anekdoter, prövningar och upplevelser, livets andliga lagar.
"Medan hon fortsatte var hennes röst rösten fr[...]
Fortsättningen på "Den fredlige krigarens väg"
In this bold, visual reinterpretation of "Way of the Peaceful Warrior," his unique saga of growth and enlightenment, Millman and artist Winegarner started from scratch, melding the peaceful warrior story to the style and dynamism of the graphic novel.[...]