In this groundbreaking exploration of the brain mechanisms behind healthy caregiving, attachment specialist Daniel A. Hughes and veteran clinical psychologist Jonathan Baylin guide readers through the intricate web of neuronal processes, hormones, and chemicals that drive--and sometimes thwart--our [...]
And for years, following these tenets, the theory s focus has been on how children develop vis-a-vis the attachments whether secure or insecure they form with their caregivers. In the therapy room, this has meant working with individuals one-on-one, with the therapist assuming the role of the attach[...]
Attachment security and affect regulation have long been buzzwords in therapy circles, but many of these ideas--so integral to successful therapeutic work with kids and adolescents-- have yet to be effectively translated to parenting practice itself. Moreover, as neuroscience reveals how the human b[...]
A practical workbook companion to the best-selling text that brought attachment into the realm of family therapy. Daniel A. Hughes, a leading practitioner in his field, specialises in an attachment-oriented approach to family therapy. Applying his model to children and families with a range of psych[...]
With the unmistakable authority of a clinician, Dan Hughes builds a stirring story around the composite figure of Katie-a fragmented, tormented, isolated little girl in foster care whose terror, shame, rage and despair drive her to deeds like lacing the family hamburger with her own feces-in order t[...]
Building the Bonds of Attachment is the second edition of a critically and professionally acclaimed book for social workers, therapists, and parents who strive to assist children with reactive attachment disorder. This work is a composite case study of the developmental course of one child following[...]
All children need love, but for troubled children, a loving home is not always enough. Children who have experienced trauma need to be parented in a special way that helps them feel safe and secure, builds attachments and allows them to heal. Playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy (PACE) are[...]
Writing together for the first time, highly respected practitioners and trainers Louise Bomber and Dan Hughes believe that now is the critical time to integrate the research findings of attachment theory and neuroscience into our education practice. The result is a must read cutting edge book for al[...]
Kirja paneutuu lukuisin vuoropuheluesimerkein siihen, miten edistää lapsen ja nuoren kehityksen tärkeintä peruspilaria eli lämmintä, toimivaa tunnesuhdetta hoitavaan aikuiseen - on hän sitten oma vanhempi tai joku muu. Kirjan avulla on mahdollista löytää hyvin palkitseva tapa olla suhteess[...]
Katin kehitys vaurioituu monin tavoin, koska vanhemmat kohtelevat häntä kaltoin. Traumatisoituneen lapsen ja hänen kasvattajiensa tie on hyvin kivikkoinen ja voi päätyä umpikujaan. Kirja luo uskoa siihen, että kierre on katkaistavissa oikeanlaisella asenteella, kasvatuksella ja terapialla, jo[...]