Featuring contributions from such renowned crime fiction writers as Anne Perry, Loren Estleman, Gillian Linscott, and Peter Tremayne, a magnificent collection of eleven new adventures of the most celebrated detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes, celebrates the sheer genius, analytical methods, and [...]
Merging theoretical models derived from anthropology and from contemporary art discourse, "We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art" looks at the Roma (i.e. Romany, or gypsy) lifestyle and examines its resonances with current civic and artistic concerns. As social and economic injustice extend[...]
The enemies of globalization--whether they denounce the exploitation of poor countries by rich ones or the imposition of Western values on traditional cultures--see the new world economy as forcing a system on people who do not want it. But the truth of the matter, writes Daniel Cohen in this provoc[...]
Focusing on legal issues in sport, this title delivers the information students need and sport management professionals require in order to navigate liability issues, protect the legal rights of their employees and athletes and manage legal risk in their professions. It guides readers through the ma[...]
"The Complete Guide to Physical Security gives readers a comprehensive understanding of modern-day physical security best practices. Employing both theory-based and real-world approaches, it examines general business principles as they relate to security. The book goes beyond the concepts of the thr[...]