Following on the heels of his successful film Black Swan, celebrated filmmaker Darren Aronofsky turns his talent to the epic big-budget biblical tradition with his film Noah. Noah (Russell Crowe) attempts to tell his people to cease their mistreatment of the earth in order to be saved. No one listen[...]
Darren Aronofsky's Films and the Fragility of Hope offers the first sustained analysis of the current oeuvre of the film director, screenwriter, and producer Darren Aronofsky. Including Pi (1998), Requiem for a Dream (2000), The Fountain (2006), The Wrestler (2008), Black Swan (2010), and Noah (2014[...]
Darren Aronofsky's Films and the Fragility of Hope offers the first sustained analysis of the current oeuvre of the film director, screenwriter, and producer Darren Aronofsky. Including Pi (1998), Requiem for a Dream (2000), The Fountain (2006), The Wrestler (2008), Black Swan (2010), and Noah (2014[...]
The story of Noah and the Flood has been told for millennia, studied for centuries, and debated for decades. Now, Image Comics adds a fresh voice to the conversation. Noah, a new graphic novel written by Academy-Award- and Golden-Globe-nominated writer and director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, The [...]
Hvad har filmsucceserne The Fountain, The Wrestler og Black Swan tilfælles med tegneserien NOA?
Filmenes instruktør og tegneseriens forfatter er den samme: amerikaneren Darren Aronofsky! Sammen med sin medforfatter, Ari Handel, har den oscarvindende hollywoodinstruktør med tegneserien NOA skab[...]
Noa 2 er et ægte epos fuld af lyd, raseri og pludselig intimitet. En moderne versionering af en urtidsmyte om kampen mellem godt og ondt, og om hvor svært det er at gøre noget ´ondt´ i en god sags tjeneste.
Niko Henrichons mageløse tegninger trækker sin beskuer helt ind i historien, o[...]