Dave Hann - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Dave Hann
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  1. Physical Resistance (Pocket)


    Dave Hann, Louise Purbrick, Dave Hann

    ISBN: 9781780991771 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    Large-scale confrontations, disruption of meetings, sabotage and street fighting have been part of the practice of anti-fascism from the early twentieth century until the twenty-first. Rarely endorsed by any political party, the use of collective bodily strength remains a strategy of activists worki[...]

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    från 220.00 kr
  2. No Retreat (Häftad)


    Dave Hann, Steve Tilzey

    ISBN: 9781903854228 - UTGIVEN: 200301

    In the late 1970s, racism was on the march. The bootboys and skinheads of the National Front and the British Movement paraded their extremist views and targeted etnic minorities and political opponents-until a group of working-class, left-wing activists decided to fight back. They vowed to drive the[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 79.00 kr