The definitive, authorised story of Suede. From the early beginnings and instant tag of the 'new saviours of rock n' roll', to lead singer Brett Anderson's relationship with Justine Frischmann who - to the delight of the national press - transferred her affections to rival band Blur's Damon Albarn; [...]
The Berliner Ensemble was founded by Bertolt Brecht and his wife Helene Weigel in 1949. The company soon gained international prominence, and its productions and philosophy influenced the work of theatre-makers around the world. David Barnett's book is the first study of the company in any language.[...]
Bertolt Brecht's reputation as a flawed, irrelevant or difficult thinker for the theatre can often go before him to such an extent that we run the risk of forgetting the achievements that made him and his company, the Berliner Ensemble, famous around the world. David Barnett examines both Brecht the[...]
Samarbete på hög nivå! En måndag gräver Sam och David en grop ihop. De har ett uppdrag - de måste gräva tills de hittar något riktigt häftigt. Gropen blir djupare och djupare. Men något häftigt hittar de inte. De gräver och gräver och är så nära hela tiden, men hittar ändå inget[...]