David Grossman - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: David Grossman
Visar Resultat (1-25)
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  1. To the End of the Land (Pocket)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780099546740 - UTGIVEN: 201109

    Ora, amiddle-aged mother, is on the verge of celebrating her son Ofers release from Israeli army service when he returns to the front for a major offensive. In a fit of preemptive grief and magical thinking, she sets out for a hike in the Galilee, leaving no forwarding information for the notifiers [...]

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    från 119.00 kr
  2. Smile of the Lamb (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780099552291 - UTGIVEN: 201009

    Uri and Katzman are Israeli soldiers occupying a Palestinian village in the West Bank. Uri is idealistic and full of hope, feels the injustice of the occupation keenly, and becomes close to Khilmi, the village storyteller. Katzman on the other hand is 'a contracted muscle' - he has taught himself no[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 116.00 kr
  3. Book of Intimate Grammar (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780099552321 - UTGIVEN: 201009

    Eleven years old and on the cusp of puberty, Aron Kleinfeld is precocious, imaginative - the leader of his gang of friends. But his bar mitzvah is looming, his friends are all hitting puberty and Aron, terrified and revolted by what he sees around him, enters a state of arrested development.[...]

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    från 89.00 kr
  4. Falling Out of Time (Pocket)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780099583721 - UTGIVEN: 2015-02-05

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    från 99.00 kr
  5. TO THE END OF THE LAND (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780224091022 - UTGIVEN: 2010-09

    Ora, amiddle-aged Israeli mother, is on the verge of celebrating her son Ofer's release from army service when he returns to the front for a major offensive. In a fit of preemptive grief and magical thinking, she sets out for a hike in the Galilee, leaving no forwarding information for the 'notifier[...]

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    från 190.00 kr
  6. Falling Out of Time (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780224097901 - UTGIVEN: 2014-02

    A genre-defying drama--part play, part prose, pure poetry that tells the story of bereaved parents setting out to reach their lost children. It begins in a small village, in a kitchen, where a man announces to his wife that he is leaving, embarking on a journey in search of their dead son.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 159.00 kr
  7. To the End of the Land (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780307476401 - UTGIVEN: 201108

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    från 109.00 kr
  8. See Under: Love (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312420697 - UTGIVEN: 2002-01

    In this powerful novel by one of Israel's most prominent writers, Momik, the only child of Holocaust survivors, grows up in the shadow of his parents' history. Determined to exorcise the Nazi "beast" from their shattered lives and prepare for a second holocaust he knows is coming, Momik increasingly[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 204.00 kr
  9. The Smile of the Lamb (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312420963 - UTGIVEN: 2003-08

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    från 206.00 kr
  10. Sleeping on a Wire: Conversations with Palestinians in Israel (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312420970 - UTGIVEN: 200304

    A personal journey into the world of the Arab citizens living in Israel depicts the painful dilemma of a people being torn between conflicting identities as they are shunned by both Jews and Palestinians. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 129.00 kr
  11. The Yellow Wind: With a New Afterword by the Author (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312420987 - UTGIVEN: 200209

    The Israeli novelist David Grossman's impassioned account of what he observed on the West Bank in early 1987 - not only the misery of the Palestinian refugees and their deep-seated hatred of the Israelis but also the cost of occupation for both occupier and occupied - is an intimate and urgent moral[...]

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    från 99.00 kr
  12. Be My Knife (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312421472 - UTGIVEN: 200304

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    från 191.00 kr
  13. Someone to Run with (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780312421946 - UTGIVEN: 2005-02

    The story of a lost dog, and the discovery of first love on the streets of Jerusalem are portrayed here with a gritty realism that is as fresh as it is compelling.
    When awkward and painfully shy sixteen-year-old Assaf is asked to find the owner of a stray yellow lab, he begins a quest that will [...]

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    från 150.00 kr
  14. Death as a Way of Life: From Oslo to the Geneva Agreement (Häftad)


    David Grossman, Efrat Lev

    ISBN: 9780312423230 - UTGIVEN: 2004-05

    What went wrong after Oslo? How can Israelis and Palestinians make peace? How has the violence changed their lives, and their souls? For the last ten years, David Grossman, one of Israel's great fiction writers, has addressed these questions in a series of passionate essays and articles, writing not[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 169.00 kr
  15. Falling Out Of Time (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780345805850 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01-06

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    från 109.00 kr
  16. Falling Out of Time (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780385350136 - UTGIVEN: 2014-03

    Following his magisterial "To the End of the Land, "the universally acclaimed Israeli author brings us an incandescent fable of parental grief--concise, elemental, a powerfully distilled experience of understanding and acceptance, and of art's triumph over death.
    In "Falling Out of Time, "David[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  17. Hug, The (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780715645871 - UTGIVEN: 2013-11-21

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    från 105.00 kr
  18. Someone to Run with (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780747568124 - UTGIVEN: 200403

    Earnest, awkward and painfully shy, sixteen-year-old Assaf is having the worst summer of his life. With his big sister gone and his best friend suddenly the most popular kid in their class, Assaf spends his days at a lowly summer job in Jerusalem City Hall and his evenings alone, watching television[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 142.00 kr
  19. The Librarian's Skillbook: 51 Essential Career Skills for Information Professionals (Häftad)


    Deborah Hunt, David Grossman

    ISBN: 9780989513319 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    Having the right skillset is essential for successful growth and advancement at every stage in your career. Regardless of your current level of experience and expertise, The Librarian's Skillbook, which reveals the 51 hottest, most sought after library/information skills in today's workplace, is you[...]

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    från 248.00 kr
  20. Lion's Honey (Häftad)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9781841959238 - UTGIVEN: 200705

    Revisits Samson's famous battle with the lion, his many women and his betrayal by them all, including the only one he ever loved. This title reveals the journey of a single, lonely and tortured soul who never found a true home in world, who was uncomfortable in his very body and who, some might say,[...]

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    från 128.00 kr
  21. En kvinne på flukt fra budskapet (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9788293139058 - UTGIVEN: 2011

    Fra en av Israels største forfattere kommer en sensasjonell roman om familieliv - det største menneskelige dramaet - og prisen av krig. Ora, en middelaldrende Israelsk mor, er i ferd med å feire sønnens tilbakekomst fra den pliktige militærtjenesten da sønnen plutselig blir utkalt til en omfa[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 293.00 kr
  22. Kvinde på flugt fra meddelelse (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9788776952808 - UTGIVEN: 2012

    Oras søn, Ofer, som lige har overstået sin militærtjeneste, har frivilligt ladet sig genhverve i den israelske hær og er vendt tilbage til frontlinjen. Den fornyede frygt for sønnens skæbne er ved at drive Ora til vanvid. Uden nogen ide om hvordan hun skal kunne udholde ventetiden,[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 196.00 kr
  23. På flykt från ett sorgebud (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9789100124984 - UTGIVEN: 201110

    "Ett mästerverk" Ingalill Mosander, GoKväll

    Den unge israelen Ofer har just avslutat sin långa värnplikt och hans mor Ora gläder sig åt att få hem honom. Men Ofer återgår frivilligt till militärtjänsten eftersom det blir spänt läge i landet igen. Ora blir förtvi[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 210.00 kr
  24. Fallen ur tiden: Rösternas berättelse (Inbunden)


    David Grossman

    ISBN: 9789100138899 - UTGIVEN: 2014-08-08

    I sin nya bok Fallen ur tiden, som undandrar sig alla genrebeskrivningar, undersöker den israeliske författaren David Grossman sorgens natur och den svåra vägen tillbaka efter en stor förlust. I denna märkvärdiga blandning av drama, prosa och poesi får vi möta en samling människor som, nä[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 190.00 kr