Everybody loves dessert, but nobody loves the calories. Perfect Light Desserts offers recipes for desserts rich enough to satisfy any sweet tooth -- but with sensible calorie counts.Master baker Nick Malgieri and healthful food expert David Joachim have joined forces to create 125 exceptional desser[...]
"The science of cooking is the most fascinating and influential development in cuisine." Award-winning chefs and cutting-edge restaurants around the world are famous for using the principles of chemistry and physics to create exciting new taste sensations. From Ferran Adria of El Bulli restaurant i[...]
A follow-up to A Man, a Can, a Plan offers fifty more simple recipes that use no more than five main ingredients and includes a host of helpful tips on everything from shopping to preparation and grilling procedures to presentation. 50,000 first printing.[...]
50 guy-friendly, nuke-able meals using packaged ingredients are fun to make and great to eat--and include such tasty dishes as Italian One-Dish Fish, Teriyaki Beef with Broccoli, and Painless Paella.[...]
In this follow-up to his acclaimed "Il Viaggio di Vetri," renowned chef Marc Vetri celebrates the rustic, handcrafted cuisine of Italian home cooks while advocating a hands-on, back-to-thebasics approach to cooking.
Slow-cooked meats, homemade breads, flavorful pastas... these are the comforting[...]
Monet tämän kirjan resepteistä sopivat hyvin kiireiselle kotikokille, ohjeiden avulla maittava ateria valmistuu jopa 15 minuutissa. Kirjassa rohkaistaan käyttämään korkealaatuisia esivalmisteltuja raaka-aineita, sillä suurin osa ruoanlaittoajasta kuluu juuri pesemiseen, kuorimiseen, pilkkomi[...]
Wild Art is an incredibly vivid, colourful and current collection of over 300 extraordinary artworks that are too offbeat, outrageous, kitsch, quirky or funky to 'make it'in the formal art world of galleries and museums. From pimped cars and graffiti to extreme body art, ice sculpture, flash mobs, [...]
Grilling is a science, and it's only when you understand the science of grilling that you can transform it into an art. That's what makes "Mastering the Grill" a standout on the cookbook shelf. From equipment (grill types and tools) to fire (wood, charcoal, or gas) to ingredients (meat, poultry, fis[...]