Presents a graded course based around the practical use of the PIC microcontroller through project work. This work introduces applications using the popular 16F84 device as well as the 16F627, 16F877, 12C508, 12C629 and 12C675. It also covers the 16F818, with additional information on writing and do[...]
For over 28 years, David Thompson explored and mapped the uncharted wilds of North America. By 1812, he had surveyed over three million kilometres - one-fifth of the continent - and become the first European to navigate the entire length of the Columbia River. Yet Thompson died in poverty and relati[...]
Learn essential trade secrets from the best in business with this box set of ten Collins Business Secrets titles.
The Collins Business Secrets series has established itself as vital resource for business people. Quick and easy to use, these guides let readers in on the tips and tricks tha[...]
Every California landlord and residential property manager needs "The California Landlord's Law Book: Rights & Responsibilities." For over 20 years, the definitive guide for landlords in the Golden State has clearly and comprehensively covered everything you need to know about:
. security deposi[...]
What if, in A New Hope, instead of destroying the Death Star, Luke's proton torpedo had malfunctioned? What if, in The Empire Strikes Back, Han had not arrived on that Hoth ice field in time to save Luke from freezing to death? What if, in Return of the Jedi, Leia's thermal detonator destroyed Jabba[...]