The potential to clone, augment, and repair human beings is pushing the very concept of the human to its limit. Fantasies and metaphors of a supposedly monstrous and inhuman future increasingly dominate films, art and popular culture. On the Human Condition is an invigorating and fascinating explora[...]
The ideal introduction history of western philosophy: An illuminating discourse on the major thinkers, from Plato to Descartes to Nietzsche. A small marvel, A Beginner's Guide to Philosophy provides an instructive and delightful introduction to philosophy. Despite its brevity, this beginner's guide [...]
Tämä kirja ei ehkä tee sinusta filosofia 30 päivässä, mutta se kertoo, miten voit alkaa ajatella filosofisesti. Huomaat, ettei filosofia ole vaikeaa eikä pelottavaa - se voi olla jopa hauskaa. Dominique Janicaud kutsuu lukijan mukaan miettimään suuria peruskysymyksiä ja kehittämään filo[...]
Phenomenology and the Theological Turnbrings together the debate over Janicaud's critique of the theological turnrepresented by the works of Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Ricour, Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Franois Courtine, Jean-Louis Chrtien, and Michel Henry.[...]