Donald Macdonald - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Donald Macdonald
Visar Resultat (1-6)
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  1. Bay Bridge (Inbunden)


    Ira B. Nadel, Donald MacDonald

    ISBN: 9781452113265 - UTGIVEN: 201306

    The new eastern span of the Bay Bridge will open in October 2013 and beloved Chronicle author Donald MacDonald is its architect. McDonald and coauthor Ira Nadel now turn their signature charming approach onto this new Bay Area landmark. In friendly text and charming illustrations, this bijou volume [...]

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    från 163.00 kr
  2. Tales And Tradition Of The Lews (Pocket)


    Donald Macdonald

    ISBN: 9781841580555 - UTGIVEN: 2000-06-24

    After retirement from a career in medicine, the author turned his acute and wide-ranging mind to the study of the history and traditions of his native Lewis. With over sixty essays on people, places and tradition, this title reveals a range of the author's erudition, and informs his love and deep kn[...]

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    från 128.00 kr
  3. Democratic Architecture (Inbunden)


    Donald MacDonald

    ISBN: 9781941806883 - UTGIVEN: 2015-06

    Democratic Architecture offers viable & affordable solutions to our country s ongoing housing problems. The book deals with tough urban problems and raises questions not just about housing policy, but about larger political and ethical issues as well. It provides a critique of the various approaches[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 218.00 kr
  4. Donald Duck i knipe (Inbunden)


    Rod Macdonald

    ISBN: 9788242939487 - UTGIVEN: 2008-01

    Dette er luksusutgaven av Donald Pocket. Donald er lærer på onkel Skrues modellskole. Petter Smart finner opp en maskin som utsletter de dårlige sidene hos mennesket. Han bruker den på seg selv, men det går dessverre den motsatte veien. Boken inneholder også en artikkel om Romano Scarpa.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 265.00 kr
  5. Women in War Films (Inbunden)


    Ralph Donald, Karen Macdonald, Ralph Donald

    ISBN: 9781442234468 - UTGIVEN: 2014-04

    War has been depicted in cinema for more than a century, from early silent films to more recent blockbusters such as Saving Private Ryan and Lone Survivor. Most war films, especially combat films, are about men engaged in battle. But while Hollywood has reinforced the cultural stereotype of war as a[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 721.00 kr
  6. Exploring Norwegian grammar (Pocket)


    Kirsti Mac Donald, Marianne MacDonald

    ISBN: 9788202403331 - UTGIVEN: 2013

    Exploring Norwegian Grammar gir en oversiktlig innføring i norsk grammatikk, sett i et fremmedspråksperspektiv. Boka legger en viss vekt på ulikheter mellom engelsk og norsk, men er av interesse for alle som lærer norsk som fremmed- eller andrespråk. Grammatikken er presentert i en underholdend[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 467.00 kr