Half a century after his assassination, John F. Kennedy continues to evoke widespread fascination, looming large in America's historical memory. Popular portrayals often show Kennedy as a mythic, heroic figure, but these depictions can obscure the details of the president's actual achievements and c[...]
The political nature of legal, and especially judicial, decision making is the subject of this book. It attempts to integrate the American approach to law, a balance of commitment and skepticism, with the Continental tradition in social theory, philosophy and psychology. The centre of this work is t[...]
"DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Top 10 Normandy" will lead you straight to the very best this region of France has to offer. Whether you're looking for the things not to miss at the Top 10 sights, picturesque villages, or key D-Day locations, this guide and its pull-out map is the perfect pocket-sized [...]
This sophisticated cross-disciplinary book will appeal not only to classicists, but also to scholars and students in the humanities more broadly, as well as beyond.[...]
Society and contemporary culture seem forever fascinated by the topic of time. In modern fiction, Ian McEwan (The Child in Time) and Martin Amis (Time's Arrow) have led the way in exploring the human condition in relation to past, present and future. In cinema, several cultural texts (Memento, Minor[...]