E. J. Lowe - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: E. J. Lowe
Visar Resultat (1-11)
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  1. A Survey of Metaphysics (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780198752530 - UTGIVEN: 200201

    A Survey of Metaphysics provides a systematic overview of modern metaphysics, covering all of the most important topics likely to be encountered on a metaphysics course. The conception of metaphysics underlying the book is the fairly traditional and widely-shared one that metaphysics deals with the[...]

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    från 1166.00 kr
  2. Personal Agency (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780199592500 - UTGIVEN: 2010-10

    Personal Agency consists of two parts. In Part II, a radically libertarian theory of action is defended which combines aspects of agent causalism and volitionism. This theory accords to volitions the status of basic mental actions, maintaining that these are spontaneous exercises of the will-a 'two-[...]

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    från 227.00 kr
  3. Locke (Pocket)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780415283489 - UTGIVEN: 2005-04-18

    In this introduction to Locke's thought, EJ Lowe covers all the major aspects of his philosophy. He concentrates on introducing and assessing Locke in a contemporary philosophical setting, explaining why he is so important today.[...]

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    från 249.00 kr
  4. The Routledge Guidebook to Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780415664783 - UTGIVEN: 2013-01

    John Locke is widely acknowledged as the most important figure in the history of English philosophy and An Essay Concerning Human Understanding is his greatest intellectual work, emphasising the importance of experience for the formation of knowledge. The Routledge Guidebook to Locke's Essay Concern[...]

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    från 267.00 kr
  5. Subjects of Experience (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780521031554 - UTGIVEN: 2006-11

    In this innovative study of the relationship between persons and their bodies, E. J. Lowe demonstrates the inadequacy of physicalism, even in its mildest, non-reductionist guises, as a basis for a scientifically and philosophically acceptable account of human beings as subjects of experience, though[...]

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    från 427.00 kr
  6. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9780521654289 - UTGIVEN: 2000-01

    In this book Jonathan Lowe offers a lucid and wide-ranging introduction to the philosophy of mind. Using a problem-centred approach designed to stimulate as well as instruct, he begins with a general examination of the mind-body problem and moves on to detailed examination of more specific philosoph[...]

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    från 391.00 kr
  7. Forms of Thought (Inbunden)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9781107001251 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    Forms of thought are involved whenever we name, describe, or identify things, and whenever we distinguish between what is, might be, or must be the case. It appears to be a distinctive feature of human thought that we can have modal thoughts, about what might be possible or necessary, and conditiona[...]

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    från 759.00 kr
  8. Forms of Thought (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9781107540439 - UTGIVEN: 2015-06

    Forms of thought are involved whenever we name, describe, or identify things, and whenever we distinguish between what is, might be, or must be the case. It appears to be a distinctive feature of human thought that we can have modal thoughts, about what might be possible or necessary, and conditiona[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 243.00 kr
  9. Truth and Truth-making (Häftad)


    E. J. Lowe

    ISBN: 9781844651450 - UTGIVEN: 2008-11

    Truth depends in some sense on reality. But it is a rather delicate matter to spell this intuition out in a plausible and precise way. According to the theory of truth-making this intuition implies that either every truth or at least every truth of a certain class of truths has a so-called truth-mak[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 278.00 kr