Earl R Babbie - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Earl R Babbie
Visar Resultat (1-6)
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  1. The Basics of Social Research (Pocket)


    Earl R. Babbie

    ISBN: 9780495812241 - UTGIVEN: 2010-01-01

    This thorough revision of Babbie's standard-setting book presents a succinct, straightforward introduction to the field of research methods as practiced by social scientists. Contemporary examples such as terrorism, Alzheimer's disease, anti-gay prejudice and education, and the legalization of marij[...]

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    från 718.00 kr
  2. Survey Research Methods (Pocket)


    Earl R. Babbie

    ISBN: 9780534126728 - UTGIVEN: 1990-04-01

    * Covers the full range of basic topics necessary for beginning survey research.

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    från 1128.00 kr
  3. The Sociological Spirit (Pocket)


    Earl R. Babbie

    ISBN: 9780534202026 - UTGIVEN: 1993-08-01

    Written by the best-selling author of THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, this brief book pocketbook gives students a quick overview of fundamental sociological concepts. True to the Babbie trademark, this book makes abstract concepts concrete and understandable for students via Babbies informal, conve[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 610.00 kr
  4. Research Methods for Social Work (Övrigt)


    Allen Rubin, Earl R Babbie

    ISBN: 9781285419077 - UTGIVEN: 2013-03

    Acclaimed for its depth and breadth of coverage as well as for the authors' clear and often humorous writing style, RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL WORK strikes an optimal balance of quantitative and qualitative research techniques--illustrating how the two methods complement one another. Now in its Eig[...]

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    från 1478.00 kr