Translated into English in 1913, this book traces Western magic from its ancient origins to the nineteenth-century occult revival.[...]
Published in French in 1854, Levi's popular work was translated into English by occult historian Arthur Edward Waite in 1896.[...]
This is Eliphas Levi's (1810-1875) best-known book. This work arguably made Levi THE most influential writer on magic since the Renaissance. Originally issued in French, the English translator is A.E. Waite and it is doubtful that anyone else could have better captured the essence of Levi's work. Th[...]
This work contains the Judaic Sun, the Christian Glory and the Flaming Star as well as studies on the origins of the Qabalah with research into the mysteries of Freemasonry, the profession of faith, and elements of the Qabalah.[...]
Eliphas Lévi links the Old and New Testaments of the Bible by comparing the qabalistic imagery and concepts inherent in both The Prophecy of Ezekiel and The Apocalypse of St. John. The first part is Lévi's illuminating commentary on Ezekiel, and in the second part, Lévi demonstrates that The Apoc[...]
- A source document of magical ritual instruction.
- Insight into the occult symbolism of the tarot trumps.[...]
Eliphas Levi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, (1810-75) was instrumental in the revival of Western occultism in the nineteenth century, and published several influential books on magic that are also reissued in this series. This posthumous publication (1896) is a translation by William Wynn Westcott, [...]
This is a compilation of Eliphas Levi's writings on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot and their corresponding Hebrew letters. It includes the "Magic Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum", some extracts from the "Major Keys and the Clavicles of Solomon" and the Editor's Appendix is a large collection of Levi[...]
This is Levi's first treatise on magic and was translated into English by Arthur Edward Waite as "Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual". Its famous opening lines present the single essential theme of Occultism and gives some of the flavor of its atmosphere: "Behind the veil of all the hiera[...]