Embarking on a quest to find his muse, Simeon, a modest Renaissance musician, encounters a vast array of rhythms and harmonies that cause him to return home and look inside himself for inspiration, in an enchanting story that is accompanied by a CD read by the author. 100,000 first printing.[...]
In the noble and dangerous times of medieval France, the young knight Aubrey de Montdidier, nephew of the Count of Montargis, has been strangely murdered. His friend the brave Sieur DeNarsac, captain of the count's men-at-arms, and Thierry, a young page, must now solve the tragic mystery. Yet it is [...]
Everyone's favorite fairy princess is back and just in time for her ballet recital in this new picture book addition to the Julie Andrews Collection. At first, when Gerry is cast as the Court Jester and not the Crystal Princess, she is dismayed -- nothing is pink and no one can see her crown under h[...]