Maximize your anesthesiology exam score! This powerful, results-oriented study guide delivers everything you need to improve your knowledge, confidence, and recall. Featuring a rigorous quick-hit Q&A format consisting of short clinical questions with briefanswers, this is truly your most effective w[...]
Written specifically to complement "New Higher Chemistry", this book provides practice for students throughout the course. It offers summaries of essential facts and theories, worked examples and a variety of questions, all of which help to support and reinforce learning and practice for the final e[...]
The only textbook for the new Higher Chemistry syllabus, being examined from 2012 onwards.
The only textbook for the new Higher Chemistry syllabus, being examined from 2012 onwards.
International Marketing presents an innovative, integrated approach to the course, in which marketing concepts are explored in depth within the international context. The authors identify five key factors that impact any international marketing venture-culture, language, political/legal systems, eco[...]
I Fandango Mini. Bogstavlydbog arbejder eleverne med bogstavernes lyde og læser små læsetekster med lydrette og lydnære ord. Den tilhørende vejledning guider underviseren igennem et 20 ugers struktureret forløb, som udgør grundlaget for arbejdet med bogstavlydbogen.