Tower and Slab looks at the contradictory history of the modernist mass housing block - home to millions of city dwellers around the world. Few urban forms have roused as much controversy. While in the United States decades-long criticism caused the demolition of most mass housing projects for the p[...]
There have been many well-publicized cases of invasive species of plants and animals, often introduced unintentionally but sometimes on purpose, causing widespread ecological havoc. Examples of such alien invasions include pernicious weeds such as Japanese knotweed, an introduced garden ornamental w[...]
Die Vorstellung einer ?historischen Stadt?, die ihren Bewohnern und Besuchern den Eindruck von Geschichtlichkeit vermitteln soll, setzte sich in den 1970er und 80er Jahren auch in Ost-Berlin durch. Damit nahmen DDR-Architekten und Stadtplaner eine internationale städtebauliche Entwicklung auf und f[...]