Sensitively edited and with a connecting commentary by editor, Mirjam Pressler, the abridged edition of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank gives younger readers their first introduction to the extraordinary diary of an ordinary girl who has long become a household name. This abridged edition ha[...]
Will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer? I hope so, oh, I hope so very much, because writing allows me to record everything, all my thoughts, ideals and fantasies.' This is what Anne Frank confided in her diary on 5 April 1944. Her wish did come true[...]
De entre los muchos que, a lo largo de la historia, han hablado en nombre de la dignidad humana en tiempos de sufrimiento y muerte, no hay ninguna voz que tenga m s peso que la de Ana Frank. John F. Kennedy Tras la invasi n de Holanda, los Frank, comerciantes jud os alemanes emigrados a Amsterdam [...]
Im Jahr 1947 erschien in den Niederlanden zum ersten Mal "Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank". Seitdem ist es in mehr als 50 Ländern veröffentlicht worden. Anne Frank war das das Kind einer jüdischen Familie, die 1933 ihr Heimatland Deutschland verlassen musste und in Amsterdam Asyl fand. Als dann die D[...]
13 år gammel begynte Anne Frank å skrive denne dagboka. I tid strekker den seg fra 14. juni 1942 til 1. august 1944. Den forteller om hennes opplevelse av de to årene hun og hennes nærmeste levde i dekning for nazistene under den 2. verdenskrig. Boka gir et bilde av en tenåring, hennes tanker o[...]
Anne Frank var tretten år da familien i 1942 flygtede fra nazisterne og gik under jorden. I den berømte dagbog følger vi hendes udvikling fra barn til ung kvinde. Med forbløffende modenhed og en skarp iagttagelsesevne skildrer hun hverdagen og familielivet i total isolation fra den ydre verden m[...]
Anne Franks dagbok är ett av de viktigaste dokumenten från Förintelsen.
I denna utgÃ¥va av Anne Franks dagbok Ã¥terfinns dagboksanteckningar som tidigare lyfts ut av Annes far, Otto Frank. Dessa textställen utgör drygt trettio procent av boken och understryker att Anne först och frÃ[...]
Anne Franks dagbok är ett av de viktigaste dokumenten från Förintelsen.
I denna utgÃ¥va av Anne Franks dagbok Ã¥terfinns dagboksanteckningar som tidigare lyfts ut av Annes far, Otto Frank. Dessa textställen utgör drygt trettio procent av boken och understryker att Anne först och frÃ[...]
Anne Frank föddes den 12 juni 1929. Sommaren 1942 gick hon och hennes familj under jorden, på flykt undan nazisterna. Anne var då tretton år och i dagboken får vi följa hennes utveckling till ung kvinna och skarpögd iakttagare av den mänskliga naturen. I augusti 1944 avslöjades gömstället[...]
"I haven't written for a few days, because I wanted first of all to think about my diary. It's an odd idea for someone like me to keep a diary; not only because I have never done so before, but because it seems to me that neither I - nor for that matter anyone else - will be interested in the unboso[...]
Drawing on the unique historical sites, archives, expertise, and unquestioned authority of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, "New York Times" bestselling authors Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon have created the first authorized and exhaustive graphic biography of Anne Frank. Their account is complete,[...]
Drawing on the unique historical sites, archives, expertise, and unquestioned authority of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, "New York Times" bestselling authors Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon have created the first authorized and exhaustive graphic biography of Anne Frank. Their account is complete,[...]
On a summer in 1942, Anne Frank and her family went into hiding from the Nazis. Until the day they arrested her, more than two years later, she kept a diary. ANNE FRANK is the indespensable visual guide to her tragic, but inspiring story. Produced in association with The Anne Frank House and filled [...]
A young girl's journal records her family's struggles during two years of hiding from the Nazis in war-torn Holland.[...]
The diary as Anne Frank wrote it. At last, in a new translation, this definitive edition contains entries about Anne's burgeoning sexuality and confrontations with her mother that were cut from previous editions. Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is among the most enduring documents of th[...]
More than fifty years after its first publication, Doubleday's definitive edition of Anne Frank's famous diary generated an extraordinary amount of excitement when it was published in early 1995. Enthusiastically received by critics and readers alike, it reigned for nine weeks on The New York Tim[...]
The original CliffsNotes study guides offer a look into critical elements and ideas within classic works of literature.CliffsNotes on Diary of Anne Frank takes you into the handwritten accounts of life in hiding from Nazis in World War II.Following the feelings of a 13-year-old Jewish girl who recor[...]