The doctrine of the Trinity is widely taught and believed by evangelicals, but rarely is it fully understood or celebrated. Systematic theologian Fred Sanders, in The Deep Things of God, shows why we ought to embrace the doctrine of the Trinity wholeheartedly and without reserve, as a central concer[...]
Historien om Roskildefreden och Skånelandskapens övergång till Sverige för 350 år sedan har ofta berättats med fokus på krig och nationella stater, snapphanar och en hårdhänt försvenskningspolitik. Här återges en annan bild.
Krigen får förvisso sitt utrymme, men freden tar m[...]
Throughout the last century theologians gave great attention to the doctrine of the Trinity, and succeeded in restoring it to a central place in Christian thought. But as they highlighted the novelty of the revolutionary new trinitarianism, a number of generalizations and simplifications crept into [...]