""Empire" by Integration" is the first comprehensive survey of the American policy towards European integration from 1945 to the present day. Geir Lundestad argues that, unlike other Great Powers, the United States strongly supported the integration of the most important area under its influence: We[...]
Based on new and existing research by a world-class scholar, this is the first book in twenty years to examine the dynamics of the entire American-West European relationship since 1945. The relationship between the United States and Western Europe has always been crucial, and recent events dictate t[...]
The Rise and Decline of the American "Empire" explores the rapidly growing literature on the rise and fall of the United States. The author argues that after 1945 the US has definitely been the most dominant power the world has seen and that it has successfully met the challenges from, first, the S[...]
In International Relations Since the End of the Cold War many of the world's leading historians and historically oriented political scientists deal with the Cold War legacy and many of the new issues that have emerged since the end of the Cold War. Stewart Patrick sums up the most important developm[...]
Innholdet i boka konsentrerer seg om rivaliseringen mellom supermaktene og virkningene av deres makt og innflytelse selv i de mest fjerntliggende områder, men også om supermaktenes svekkede stilling og den utviklingen som gjorde at Sovjetunionen gikk i oppløsning. Boka beskriver også verden ette[...]
Huvuddrag i internationell politik efter 1945
Öst, väst, nord, syd har etablerat sig som en central redogörelse för efterkrigstidens internationella politiska historia och blivit en internationell storsäljare. Denna sjätte upplaga är uppdaterad fram till sommaren 2009.
Öst, väst, nord, syd har etablerat sig som en central redogörelse för efterkrigstidens internationella politiska historia och är en internationell storsäljare. I denna sjunde upplaga har innehållet genomgående reviderats och uppdaterats och nya avsnitt har tillkommit. Innehållet följer [...]