Geoffrey Macnab - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Geoffrey Macnab
Visar Resultat (1-2)
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  1. Filmcraft (Pocket)


    Geoffrey MacNab, Sharon Swart, Geoffrey MacNab

    ISBN: 9780240823744 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    The FilmCraft series of books will offer deep insight into the working practices of the world's most distinguished professionals, covering their inspiration, collaboration, and work on set. Each professional will be interviewed exclusively, discussing their training and their influences and will go [...]

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    från 268.00 kr
  2. Searching for Stars (Pocket)


    Geoffrey Macnab

    ISBN: 9780304333523 - UTGIVEN: 2000-03-01

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    från 460.00 kr