George Clare - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: George Clare
Visar Resultat (1-3)
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  1. Last Waltz in Vienna (Storpocket)


    George Clare

    ISBN: 9780330490771 - UTGIVEN: 2002-07

    On Saturday 26 February, 1938, seventeen-year-old Georg Klaar took his girlfriend Lisl to his first ball at the Konzerthaus. His family were proudly Austrian. They were also Jewish. Just two weeks later came the Anschluss. A family had been condemned to death by genocide. This new edition of George [...]

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    från 184.00 kr
  2. Foundations For The Lpc (Pocket)


    George Miles, Clare Firth, Paulene Denyer, Zoe Ollerenshaw, Pauline Laidlaw, Elizabeth Smart

    ISBN: 9780199657179 - UTGIVEN: 2012-08-16

    Foundations for the LPC covers the compulsory foundation areas of the Legal Practice Course as set out in the LPC Outcomes: Professional Conduct, Tax/Revenue Law and Wills & Administration of Estates. It also features chapters on EU law and human rights.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 391.00 kr
  3. Doing Philosophy (Pocket)


    Danielle Lamb, David Mossley, George Macdonald Ross, Clare Saunders

    ISBN: 9781441173041 - UTGIVEN: 2012-11-01

    Second edition of this successful introductory guide to studying philosophy, including: reading and writing, taking notes, seminar preparation and participation, using resources effectively.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 226.00 kr