Tham & Videgård är ledande i en ny generation svenska arkitekter. De är, som Hans Ibelings poängterar i en av bokens essäer, inte fasta i en förfluten funktionalism och inte heller upptagna av en konceptuell framtoning.
Genom ett rakt och okomplicerat förhållande till uppgift[...]
From Arvinius's resplendent series on Nordic architecture comes this photo-packed volume on forward-thinking Stockholm-based firm Kjellander + Sjoberg. Since 1988, the practice, led by Stefan Sjoberg and Ola Kjellander, has created a unique minimalist modern aesthetic, playing with shapes and scale,[...]
Dark is one of Norways's largest planning, architecture and interior design practices, consistently delivering creative solutions with a high degree of functionality. Their work includes master planning, urban design, building design, landscape architecture and interior architecture, as well as furn[...]
In K2S Beyond the Wall of Sound, the architecture oeuvre of renowned young Finnish architects K2S is at last published in its entirety from the ovoid, remarkable Kamppi Chapel to the large-scale, complex development of the now iconic Olympic Stadium canopy. The work of K2S is based on the convicti[...]