Answers a much-expressed need for a forum enabling Swedish designers - both the youngest provocateurs as well as established design houses and well-known veterans of the industry - to present themselves, their ideas and their skills. This work belongs to a series of five books.[...]
A diet and lifestyle programme that allows you to eat unlimited portions of the foods you like. "Fit for Life" reveals: principles to bring permanent weight loss and high energy; the secrets of timing and food combining that work with your natural body cycles; and a four-week meal plan, menus, re[...]
There is only one concept to grasp and only one action to take: Eat more living food than dead food. The simplicity of this message has eluded people up to now. In fact, it may seem oversimplified. Because of past frustrations and disappointments, people have come to believe that losing weight is co[...]
One day Raymond Francis, a chemist and a graduate of MIT, found himself in a hospital, battling for his life. The diagnosis: acute chemical hepatitis, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, and several autoimmune syndromes, causing him to suffer fatigue, dizziness, impaired memory, heart [...]
Beginning with his own story and the eyeopening discovery that eliminated his chronic health problems--and 50 pounds of fat--in just one month, Harvey Diamond focuses on the body's amazing natural ability to heal itself. In addition, Harvey gives you a complete program of diet, exercise, and lifesty[...]
Time-tested, tried, and proven dietary recommendations from best-selling author Harvey Diamond. The most important basics to help the reader in the quest to lose that stubborn weight. How to improve digestion and reduce pain, increase energy are just some of the special topics included.[...]
Harvey Diamond är den världsberömde författaren till New York Times succeboken Fit For Life, som behöll föstaplatsen 40 veckor i rad, en ännu i dag oöverträffad bedrift. Boken har sålts i mer än
12 000 000 exemplar på 33 språk. Han har varit en ofta förekommande gäst hos O[...]